If you let residential property [houses, flats and HMOs], legislation governing electrical safety checks within dwellings in England came into force from 1st June 2020.
Broadly speaking, landlords now need to prove that the electrical installation in a rented residential property is safe, as defined in BS7671 The Wiring Regulations.
This proof is to be obtained by carrying out a certified and auditable Safety Inspection at least every five years.
This requirement for a Safety Inspection applies to new tenancies agreed from June 1st 2020, and to existing tenancies [made before 1/6/20] from April 1st 2021
We are accredited and qualified to carry out Electrical Safety Inspections, and issue an Electrical Installation Condition Report [EICR], which provides auditable.
Please feel freee to contact us to discuss your requirements and/or to arrange a quote.